Thanks for the update, Joe, Xintong and Dawid. This is very helpful.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 9:27 AM Johannes Moser <> wrote:

> Dear Flink Community,
> here's the latest update from the bi-weekly.
> Short summary: still a lot of stuff is going on, the feature freeze has
> been
> pushed by two weeks to the >>>16th of August<<< and we are working
> on the release communication. Good stuff: the test and blockers are
> looking very good.
> Get all the updates on the release page. [1]
> *Feature freeze:*
> Initially because of issues with FLIP-147 we have been considering
> moving the feature freeze, when we did a general update it became
> obvious that a lot of teams/efforts would benefit from more time.
> So we did what has to be done and moved it by two weeks.
> *On-going efforts:*
> What also became obvious, the pure list of links to Jira Issues
> doesn't provide a clear overview on the progress of the efforts.
> Often the linked issues have a subset of other issues, that also
> went into other releases. Some of the subtasks are optional.
> We, as a community, need to improve that going forward. For now
> I introduced a traffic light style state for each row in the
> feature list as a quick fix. I will make sure this will be
> updated before the next bi-weekly.
> The update has shown that ~20 of 36 planned features have a
> positive state. 6 are rather looking bad.
> *Test instabilities:*
> The tests became more stable recently, which is a really, really good
> thing.
> Thanks for all the efforts that went into this.
> *Highlight features:*
> We are working on the release communication in general. So we are
> collecting
> the highlights of this release and did a quick brainstorming which
> brought us to this list: ML, Table API, Log based checkpoints...
> If there's something worth mentioning please add it on the
> release page.
> What can you do to make 1.14. a good release:
> * Get an realistic state of the ongoing efforts and update the page
> * Start testing the "done" features
> * Think of the things that go beyond the implementation: documentation and
>   release/feature evangelism.
> Sincerely, your release managers
> Xintong, Dawid & Joe
> -
> [1]

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