Thanks for starting this discussion Ingo. I guess that Dian can probably
answer this question. I am big +1 for updating our documentation for how to
set up the IDE since this problem will probably be encountered a couple of


On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 11:03 AM Ingo Bürk <> wrote:

> Hello @dev,
> like probably most of you, I am using IntelliJ to work on Flink. Lately I
> needed to also work with flink-python, and thus was wondering about how to
> properly set it up to work in IntelliJ. So far, I have done the following:
> 1. Install the Python plugin
> 2. Set up a custom Python SDK using a virtualenv
> 3. Configure the flink-python module to use this Python SDK (rather than a
> Java SDK)
> 4. Install as many of the Python dependencies as possible when IntelliJ
> prompted me to do so
> This got me into a mostly working state, for example I can run tests from
> the IDE, at least the ones I tried so far. However, there are two concerns:
> a) Step (3) will be undone on every Maven import since Maven sets the SDK
> for the module
> b) Step (4) installed most, but a couple of Python dependencies could not
> be installed, though so far that didn't cause noticeable problems
> I'm wondering if there are additional / different steps to do, specifically
> for (a), and maybe how the PyFlink developers are configuring this in their
> IDE. The IDE setup guide didn't seem to contain information about that
> (only about separately setting up this module in PyCharm). Ideally, we
> could even update the IDE setup guide.
> Best
> Ingo

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