Dear Flink Community,

We as the release managers of the 1.15 release are suggesting to introduce a 
“Definition of Done".

Let me elaborate a bit on the reasons:
* During the release process for 1.14 the stability of master was sometimes in 
a state that made contributing to Apache Flink a bad experience.
* Some of the changes that have been contributed seem to be unusable by users 
because of defects.
* Documentation is neglected which also leads to users unable to make use of 
changes. One of the reasons is, because documentation is often pushed to a 
later state.

With this definition of done awareness and sensibility for these aspect should 
be increased. Both, for the ones who are committing and for the ones that are 
We focus on code quality, testing and documentation. A shared understanding is 

The Definition of Done as suggested:

A PR is done and can be merged, when:

1. It is following the code contribution process
2. It is implemented according to the code style and quality guide.
3. If it has user facing changes the documentation has been updated according 
to the documentation style guide.
4. It is covered by tests.
5. All tests passed.

There are two PRs to illustrate the changes. 

It isn’t the goal to make it harder to get changes into Apache Flink. It is 
rather the opposite of making contributing and using Apache Flink a better 
By creating awareness a push towards quality and usability should happen.

I’m happy to hear your feedback.


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