Dear Flink Community,

Today we had the third release sync for the 1.15 release.

There are 8 weeks left until the feature freeze. Since the last sync the 
progress percentage went from 20% to 36%. Two more items have been completed 
making it a total of 5 out of 43 items on the list.

See the 1.15. release page [1]

Bi-weekly release sync
The release sync is happening every second week at 9am CET/4pm CST/3am ET/12am 
PT on Dingtalk. Everyone who wants to get an insight or participate in the 
discussion for the 1.15. release can join. [2]

PLEASE NOTE: The sync on the 28th of December will be cancelled due to holiday 

Blockers and instabilities
The build stability increased a lot. Still there are 128 test instabilities. 50 
% of the the failures in the last 30 days have been caused by connectors, 
python, kafka/gelly.

Please keep pushing for more stability.

The next bi-weekly will happen on the 11th of January 2022 at 9am CET. The one 
on the 28th of December is cancelled.

Till, Yun Gao, Joe


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