Network partitions are trickier than simply crashing process. For example
these can be asymmetric -> as a TM you're still able to talk to the JM, but
you're not able to talk to other TMs.

In general this could be achieved by manipulating iptables on the host
machine (considering we spawn all the processes locally), but not sure if
that will solve the "make it less complicated for others to contribute"
part :/ Also this kind of test would be executable on nix systems only.

I assume that jepsen uses the same approach under the hood.


On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 5:43 PM Chesnay Schepler <> wrote:

> b/c are part of the same test.
>   * We have a job running,
>   * trigger a network partition (failing the job),
>   * then crash HDFS (preventing checkpoints and access to the HA
>     storageDir),
>   * then the partition is resolved and HDFS is started again.
> Conceptually I would think we can replicate this by nuking half the
> cluster, crashing HDFS/ZK, and restarting everything.
> On 09/02/2022 17:39, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
> > The jepsen tests cover 3 cases:
> > a) JM/TM crashes
> > b) HDFS namenode crash (aka, can't checkpoint because HDFS is down)
> > c) network partitions
> >
> > a) can (and probably is) reasonably covered by existing ITCases and
> > e2e tests
> > b) We could probably figure this out ourselves if we wanted to.
> > c) is the difficult part.
> >
> > Note that the tests also only cover yarn (per-job/session) and
> > standalone (session) deployments.
> >
> > On 09/02/2022 17:11, Konstantin Knauf wrote:
> >> Thank you for raising this issue. What risks do you see if we drop
> >> it? Do
> >> you see any cheaper alternative to (partially) mitigate those risks?
> >>
> >> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 12:40 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> For a few years by now we had a set of Jepsen tests that verify the
> >>> correctness of Flinks coordination layer in the case of process
> >>> crashes.
> >>> In the past it has indeed found issues and thus provided value to the
> >>> project, and in general the core idea of it (and Jepsen for that
> >>> matter)
> >>> is very sound.
> >>>
> >>> However, so far we neither made attempts to make further use of Jepsen
> >>> (and limited ourselves to very basic tests) nor to familiarize
> >>> ourselves
> >>> with the tests/jepsen at all.
> >>> As a result these tests are difficult to maintain. They (and Jepsen)
> >>> are
> >>> written in Clojure, which makes debugging, changes and upstreaming
> >>> contributions very difficult.
> >>> Additionally, the tests also make use of a very complicated
> >>> (Ververica-internal) terraform+ansible setup to spin up and tear down
> >>> AWS machines. While it works (and is actually pretty cool), it's
> >>> difficult to adjust because the people who wrote it have left the
> >>> company.
> >>>
> >>> Why I'm raising this now (and not earlier) is because so far keeping
> >>> the
> >>> tests running wasn't much of a problem; bump a few dependencies here
> >>> and
> >>> there and we're good to go.
> >>>
> >>> However, this has changed with the recent upgrade to Zookeeper 3.5,
> >>> which isn't supported by Jepsen out-of-the-box, completely breaking the
> >>> tests. We'd now have to write a new Zookeeper 3.5+ integration for
> >>> Jepsen (again, in Clojure). While I started working on that and could
> >>> likely finish it, I started to wonder whether it even makes sense to do
> >>> so, and whether we couldn't invest this time elsewhere.
> >>>
> >>> Let me know what you think.
> >>>
> >>>
> >

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