Hi, as far as I can tell, the way to provide a keystore/truststore password
to the kafka ingress/egress config is to put it in plaintext in
module.yaml, like so:

kind: io.statefun.kafka.v1/ingressspec:  #(...)  properties:    -
ssl.truststore.password: changeme

This isn't ideal and I think it would be neater to be able to replace a
placeholder with something from the parameter tool / global config

kind: io.statefun.kafka.v1/ingressspec:  #(...)  properties:    -
ssl.truststore.password: ${SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASS}

Similarly, we need to get our hands on a kerberos keytab location inside
module.yaml. This is not a problem when the location is static and
available to all cluster nodes, but when yarn gets involved, it's only the
yarn client (?) that has the keytab file in a static location. As far as I
can tell, task manager nodes get a 'resolved' and node/container-specific
location, something along the lines of
"/JBOD_D01/yarn/application_12345667_0001", which is different for every
node. I think I could get my hands on that location from the global config,
seeing as YarnTaskExecutorRunner sets

To achieve all of this, we could alter RemoteModule#bindComponent to
replace instances of ${PLACEHOLDERs} with values from the global config
using regex.

Please let me know what you think

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