Hi Ron, Thanks for starting this dicuss, some Spark/Hive users will benefit 
from it. The flip looks good to me. I just have two minor questions:
1. For synax explanation, I see it's "Create .... function as identifier....", 
I think the word "identifier" may not be self-dedescriptive for actually it's 
not a random name but the name of the class that provides the implementation 
for function to be create.
May be it'll be more clear to use "class_name" replace "identifier" just like 
what Hive[1]/Spark[2] do.

2.  >> If the resource used is a remote resource, it will first download the 
resource to a local temporary directory, which will be generated using UUID, 
and then register the local path to the user class loader.
For the above explanation in this FLIP, It seems for such statement sets,
Create  function as org.apache.udf1 using jar 'hdfs://myudfs.jar';
Create  function as org.apache.udf2 using jar 'hdfs://myudfs.jar';
 it'll download the resource 'hdfs://myudfs.jar' for twice. So is it possible 
to provide some cache mechanism that we won't need to download / store for 

Best regards,
[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/hive/languagemanual+ddl
发件人:Mang Zhang<zhangma...@163.com>
日 期:2022年03月22日 11:35:24
主 题:Re:[DISCUSS] FLIP-214 Support Advanced Function DDL

Hi Ron, Thank you so much for this suggestion, this is so good.
In our company, when users use custom UDF, it is very inconvenient, and the 
code needs to be packaged into the job jar, 
and cannot refer to the existing udf jar through the existing udf jar.
Or pass in the jar reference in the startup command.
If we implement this feature, users can focus on their own business development.
I can also contribute if needed.


Best regards,
Mang Zhang

At 2022-03-21 14:57:32, "刘大龙" <ld...@zju.edu.cn> wrote:
>Hi, everyone
>I would like to open a discussion for support advanced Function DDL, this 
>proposal is a continuation of FLIP-79 in which Flink Function DDL is defined. 
>Until now it is partially released as the Flink function DDL with user defined 
>resources is not clearly discussed and implemented. It is an important feature 
>for support to register UDF with custom jar resource, users can use UDF more 
>more easily without having to put jars under the classpath in advance.
>Looking forward to your feedback.

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