Hi, I'm using flink1.12.2 a problem is found when submitting the task of yarn application, An example of the Flink official website submitting a task is ./bin/flink run-application -t yarn-application ./ examples/streaming/TopSpeedWindowing. jar If some of them are misspelled, then yen application is written as yen application Will report an error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No ClusterClientFactory found. If you were targeting a Yarn cluster, please make sure to export the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable or have hadoop in your classpath. For more information refer to the "Deployment" section of the official Apache Flink documentation. BUT I saw that the code is the 213 line configuration set encapsulated by clifrontend. There is a problem with effectiveconfiguration, resulting in defaultclusterclientserviceloader Java: 83 judgment entry error Eventually lead compatibleFactories.isEmpty() is true then "No ClusterClientFactory found. If you were targeting a Yarn cluster, " + "please make sure to export the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable or have hadoop in your " + "classpath. For more information refer to the \"Deployment\" section of the official " + "Apache Flink documentation." I think there is something wrong with the description of the error information here, which will lead to misleading. Users mistakenly think it is their own Hadoop_ There is a problem with the classpath environment. I hope you can reply