Hi Timo.

Thanks for your feedback!

> It would be great if you can copy/paste some of the tricky design
decisions into the FLIP.

Yes. I have already added a section about the `Rejected Alternatives`. It
includes the discuss about the
- TableInfo and FunctionInfo VS CatalogTable and CatalogFunction
- Support the multi-version Flink in the Gateway VS Support the
multi-version in the external Service
- Merge Gateway into the Flink code base VS Support Gateway in the another

> Separate code base

Let me summarize all the discussion about the separate code base. Please
correct me if anything is wrong.

About support for the Gateway in the Flink code base.

1. It reduces the cost including tests, release and document. We don't need
to upgrade the Gateway when Flink releases.
2. The SQL Client has the ability to submit the SQL to the Gateway. If we
move the Gateway to the outside repo, the SQL Client doesn't have the
related dependencies.
3. It is benefit for us to reuse code in the same repo.

About supporting the Gateway in another repo.

1. It is easier to support the multi-version Flink;

First of all, I think we should support the multiple Flink version with
another component that uses the Gateway from the individual Flink releases.
Zeppelin, Livy, and Kyuubi all use similar architecture.

The current Gateway in the FLIP is bound to the specific Flink version,
which needs to compile the SQL and submit the job to the cluster with the
specified Flink version.
We can introduce a service in the future(Maybe we can name it
MultipleVersionFlinkService? ). It may tell the client where the Gateway
with specified version is and the client just communicate with the Gateway
later. It may also just parse the request,  convert the request to the REST
API in the FLIP and send to the Gateway with specified version.

Therefore, I think we should merge the SQL Gateway inside the Flink repo.
The MultipleVersionFlinkService may be inside or outside the repo.

I add more details in the `Rejected Alternatives` in the FLIP.

> Missing REST API spec

Good point! I add a section in the `Appendix` about the serialization of
the ResultSet. It includes how to serialize the schema, RowData and

> Consistency of concepts

configure_session VS initialize_session

Okay. I think it's better to use the initialize_session.

TableInfo + UserDefinedFunctionInfo  VS  CatalogTable and CatalogFunction

The CatalogTable and CatalogFunction are much heavier than the TableInfo
and UserDefinedFunction. The CatalogManager requires reading from the
Catalog to get the schema. But in the listTables only care about the table
name, which is much lighter. Therefore, we propose to use the TableInfo
with required fields.

> Result Retrieval

Yes. Currently the API is only used for the preview. I added a section in
the `Rejected Alternatives` about this.


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