Thanks for the summary.

I tried joining the sync today, but nobody joined. On the Flink Slack,
Martijn's status is set to vacation, so I guess the meeting didn't happen

It seems that the pulsar blocker (FLINK-27399) is still open, but the PR
seems to make progress.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 6:46 AM Xingbo Huang <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to give you a brief update of the Flink 1.16 release sync
> meating of 2022-08-02.
> Currently, we have 19 features that have been completed for this release
> and 32 features are still expected to make it. We only have one week
> remaining until the feature freeze (at 2022-08-09), which means that we
> will start with the release testing and cut the release branch once the CI
> is stable[1].
> We currently have one blocker ticket[2] that is being worked on. Many
> thanks to these contributors and reviewers.
> Next, we also have some critical test stability tickets[2] that are not
> picked up. We need to guarantee the CI stable before the release branch
> cut. You can either directly assign it to yourself (don't forget to mark it
> as In Progress) or ping me (@Huang Xingbo) to get it assigned to you. Your
> help is much appreciated.
> For more information about Flink release 1.16, you can refer to
> The next Flink release sync will be on Tuesday the 9th of August at 9am
> CEST/ 3pm China Standard Time / 7am UTC. The link can also be found on the
> first page.
> On behalf of all the release managers,
> best regards,
> Xingbo
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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