Congratulations, Dong!

Best regards,

----- 原始邮件 -----
发件人: "Junrui Lee" <>
收件人: "dev" <>
发送时间: 星期四, 2023年 2 月 16日 下午 2:40:39
主题: Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Apache Flink PMC Member - Dong Lin

Congratulations, Dong!


Guowei Ma <> 于2023年2月16日周四 14:21写道:

> Hi, everyone
>     On behalf of the PMC, I'm very happy to announce Dong Lin as a new
> Flink PMC.
>     Dong is currently the main driver of Flink ML. He reviewed a large
> number of Flink ML related PRs and also participated in many Flink ML
> improvements, such as "FLIP-173","FLIP-174" etc. At the same time, he made
> a lot of evangelism events contributions for the Flink ML ecosystem.
>     In fact, in addition to the Flink machine learning field, Dong has also
> participated in many other improvements in Flink, such as "FLIP-205",
> "FLIP-266","FLIP-269","FLIP-274" etc.
>     Please join me in congratulating Dong Lin for becoming a Flink PMC!
> Best,
> Guowei(on behalf of the Flink PMC)

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