
StreamingFileSink’s DefaultRollingPolicy does not always roll in progress parts 
to pending parts on checkpoints. Is this by design? It seems counter intuitive 
to me that part files are not finished on checkpoint by default.


  1.  This has impact on S3 implementation in that inProgressPart files are 
MultiPartUploads which can 
When the files do expire, jobs can no longer be started from savepoints as they 
will run into missing FileNotFoundException on the in progress part file. This 
leaves users no options but to restart job without savepoint.
  2.  Having reference to inProgressPart files within savepoints also prevents 
users from restarting job from earlier savepoints, should the user deem it 
appropriate to replay the stream and rewrite to output. The exception should be 
clearer if the intention is to prevent user from starting from earlier 
savepoint to avoid them accidentally replaying stream (therefore violating 
end-to-end exactly once).

May I propose that we change DefaultRollingPolicy to always roll 
inProgressParts to pending on checkpoint?

Thank you

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