I clone the Flink git repository, master branch, I configure a Java 8 JDK, and 
I can build the flink project successfully with:

mvn clean package -DskipTests

However, when I load the project into IntelliJ, and try to compile the project 
and run the Scala tests in the IDE I get a lot of compilation errors with the 
existing Scala code like:

could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type 
org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation[(Int, String)]
val solutionInput = env.fromElements((1, "1"))


overloaded method value assertThatThrownBy with alternatives:
(x$1: org.assertj.core.api.ThrowableAssert.ThrowingCallable,x$2: String,x$3: 
Object*)org.assertj.core.api.AbstractThrowableAssert[_, _ <: Throwable] <and>
 _ <: Throwable]
cannot be applied to (() => Unit)
assertThatThrownBy(() => runExtraction(testSpec))

Clearly, the same code is compiling when using the Maven build via command 
line, so this must be some kind of environment/config issue. I'd to get the 
code building within IntelliJ so I can use the debugger and step through unit 
tests. I don't want to make source changes quite yet. I'd like to just step 
through the code as it is.

My first guess is the IntelliJ IDE is using the wrong version of the Scala 
compiler. In IntelliJ, in "Project Structure" -> "Platform Settings" -> "Global 
Libraries", I have "scala-sdk-2.12.7" configured and nothing else. I believe 
that's the specific version of Scala that the Flink code is intended to compile 
with. I've checked all the project settings and preferences and I don't see any 
other places I can configure or even verify which version of Scala is being 

Additional points:

- I can run/debug Java unit tests via the IntelliJ IDE, but not Scala unit 
- If I do "Build" -> "Rebuild Project", I get Scala compilation errors as 
mentioned above, but no Java errors. The Java code seems to compile 
- I'm using the current version of IntelliJ 2023.1.1 Ultimate with the Scala 
plugin installed.
- I've read and followed the instructions on 
These docs don't mention specifying the version of the Scala compiler at all.
- This is a clean repo on "master" branch with absolutely zero changes.
- In IntelliJ, in "Project Structure" -> "Project Settings" -> "Project", I've 
chosen a Java 8 JDK, which I presume is the best choice for building Flink code 

Thanks for any help!

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