I have defined the following sink:

*object ParquetSink {  def parquetFileSink[A <: Message: ClassTag](
assigner: A => String,      config: Config  )(implicit lc: LoggingConfigs):
FileSink[A] = {    val bucketAssigner = new BucketAssigner[A, String] {
  override def getBucketId(element: A, context: BucketAssigner.Context):
String = {        val path = assigner(element)        logger.info
<http://logger.info>(LogMessage(-1, s"Writing file to
${config.getString(baseDirKey)}/$path", "NA"))        path      }
override def getSerializer: SimpleVersionedSerializer[String] =
SimpleVersionedStringSerializer.INSTANCE    }    def builder(outFile:
OutputFile): ParquetWriter[A] =      new
ParquetProtoWriters.ParquetProtoWriterBuilder(        outFile,
val parquetBuilder: ParquetBuilder[A] = path => builder(path)    FileSink
    .forBulkFormat(        new
<http://blob.core.windows.net>"),        new
ParquetWriterFactory[A](parquetBuilder)      )
.withBucketAssigner(bucketAssigner)      .withOutputFileConfig(
OutputFileConfig          .builder()          .withPartSuffix(".parquet")
        .build()      )      .build()  }}*

After deploying the job I get the following exception:

*Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Recoverable writers on
AzureBlob are only supported for ABFS *
*        at
~[?:?]                                                          *

*        at

The question is whether I can make any changes to this code to make it work
with *wasbs *protocol and not *abfs* ?

Tnx in advance, Eli.

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