Dear Community,

I'm pleased to share this good news with everyone. As some of you may have
already heard, Apache Flink has won the 2023 SIGMOD Systems Award [1].

"Apache Flink greatly expanded the use of stream data-processing." --
SIGMOD Awards Committee

SIGMOD is one of the most influential data management research conferences
in the world. The Systems Award is awarded to an individual or set of
individuals to recognize the development of a software or hardware system
whose technical contributions have had significant impact on the theory or
practice of large-scale data management systems. Winning of the award
indicates the high recognition of Flink's technological advancement and
industry influence from academia.

As an open-source project, Flink wouldn't have come this far without the
wide, active and supportive community behind it. Kudos to all of us who
helped make this happen, including the over 1,400 contributors and many
others who contributed in ways beyond code.


Xintong (on behalf of the Flink PMC)


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