
Thanks Matthias for starting this discussion and thanks Chesnay for the

I don't want to hijack this discussion but I would suggest postponing the
1.18 feature freeze over postponing the deprecations to 1.19. If there are
some contributors who think it makes sense, I will raise it in the 1.18
release channel to postpone 1.18 feature freeze again.

Speaking of the FLIP rules, if we follow it exactly like it is defined, we
should also write FLIPs when graduating @PublicEvloving APIs to be @Public,
especially for those APIs who will replace some deprecated APIs.  Doing
that is to guarantee that new public APIs will cover all
functionalities(including the capability that APIs are easy enough to
implement) that deprecated APIs offer, so that migrations can be executed
smoothly. With this in mind, we will avoid the big issue we are facing now
wrt the new Source and Sink API [1].

Best regards,

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/734zhkvs59w2o4d1rsnozr1bfqlr6rgm

On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 3:01 PM Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org> wrote:

> The issue isn't avoiding 1.19.
> The issue is that if things aren't deprecated in 1.18 then for every
> breaking change we have to start discussing exemptions from the API
> deprecation process, which stipulates that all Public APIs must be
> deprecated for at least 2 minor releases before they can be removed
> (which is now unsurprisingly backfiring on us).
> So if something isn't deprecated in 1.18 then either:
> - we delay 2.0 by at 1 release cycle
> - we effectively ignore the newly agreed upon deprecation process for 2.0
> - we circumvent the newly agreed upon deprecation process by creating 2
> minor releases in the same time-frame that we'd usually create 1 release
> in.
> None of these options are great.
> On 13/07/2023 14:03, Matthias Pohl wrote:
> > Jing brought up a question in the FLIP-335 discussion thread [1] which I
> > want to move into a dedicated discussion thread as it's a bit more
> general:
> > How do we handle the deprecation process of Public APIs for Flink 2.0?
> >> I just have a related question: Do we need to create a FLIP each time
> >> when we want to deprecate any classes?
> >
> > The community defined the requirements of a FLIP [2] in the following
> way:
> > - Any major new feature, subsystem, or piece of functionality
> > - Any change that impacts the public interfaces of the project
> >
> > public interfaces in this sense are defined as:
> > - DataStream and DataSet API, including classes related to that, such as
> > StreamExecutionEnvironment
> > - Classes marked with the @Public annotation
> > - On-disk binary formats, such as checkpoints/savepoints
> > - User-facing scripts/command-line tools, i.e. bin/flink, Yarn scripts,
> > Mesos scripts
> > - Configuration settings
> > - Exposed monitoring information
> >
> > I think that this makes sense. There should be a proper discussion on the
> > best approach to change public APIs. Additionally, the FLIP should be a
> way
> > to document the changes in the discussion process towards the change
> > transparently.
> >
> > In contrast, the impression I have is that we're trying to push all the
> > deprecation work into 1.18 (which has its feature freeze date by the end
> of
> > next week) to avoid having an additional 1.19 minor release. (Correct me
> if
> > I'm wrong here but that's the impression I'm getting from the ML threads
> > I've seen so far.)
> >
> > I have some concerns on the Flink 2.0 development in this regard. Zhu Zhu
> > [4] and Chesnay [5] shared similar concerns in the thread about the 2.0
> > must-have work items.
> >
> > Considering that quite a few (or some; I haven't checked in detail to be
> > honest) of the changes for 2.0 should require a FLIP and that there are
> > still some hanging items [6] (Jira issues which are annotated for Flink
> 2.0
> > but have been properly checked, yet): Shouldn't we avoid pushing
> everything
> > into 1.18? Instead, we should follow the required process properly and
> > might plan for another 1.19 minor release, instead?
> >
> > I'm curious how other contributors feel here and sorry in case I have
> > misinterpreted the ongoing discussions.
> >
> > Best,
> > Matthias
> >
> > [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/48ysrg1rrtl8s1twg9wmx35l201hnc2w
> > [2]
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Flink/Flink+Improvement+Proposals#FlinkImprovementProposals-Whatisconsidereda%22majorchange%22thatneedsaFLIP
> > ?
> > [3] https://lists.apache.org/thread/r0y9syc6k5nmcxvnd0hj33htdpdj9k6m
> > [4] https://lists.apache.org/thread/45xm348jr8n6s89jldntv5z3t13hdbn8
> > [5] https://lists.apache.org/thread/98wgqrx0sycpskvgpydvkywsoxt0fkc6
> > [6] https://lists.apache.org/thread/77hj39ls3kxvx2qd6o09hq1ndtn6hg4y
> >

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