Hi Flink devs,

I’d like to officially start a discussion for FLIP-319: Integrating with
Kafka’s proper support for 2PC participation (KIP-939) [1].

This is the “sister” joint FLIP for KIP-939 [2] [3]. It has been a
long-standing issue that Flink’s Kafka connector doesn’t work fully
correctly under exactly-once mode due to lack of distributed transaction
support in the Kafka transaction protocol. This has led to subpar hacks in
the connector such as Java reflections to workaround the protocol's
limitations (which causes a bunch of problems on its own, e.g. long
recovery times for the connector), while still having corner case scenarios
that can lead to data loss.

This joint effort with the Kafka community attempts to address this so that
the Flink Kafka connector can finally work against public Kafka APIs, which
should result in a much more robust integration between the two systems,
and for Flink developers, easier maintainability of the code.

Obviously, actually implementing this FLIP relies on the joint KIP being
implemented and released first. Nevertheless, I'd like to start the
discussion for the design as early as possible so we can benefit from the
new Kafka changes as soon as it is available.

Looking forward to feedback and comments on the proposal!


[3] https://lists.apache.org/thread/wbs9sqs3z1tdm7ptw5j4o9osmx9s41nf

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