Hello Junrui,

Thanks for the effort. I agree with the proposal to deprecate the 
getExecutionConfig() method in the RuntimeContext class. Exposing
the complex ExecutionConfig to user-defined functions can lead to 
unnecessary complexity and risks.

I also have a suggestion. We could consider reviewing the existing
 methods in ExecutionConfig. If there are methods that are defined
 in ExecutionConfig but currently have no callers, we could consider
 annotating  them as @Internal or directly removing them. Since 
users are no longer able to access and invoke these methods, 
it would be beneficial to clean up the codebase.

+1 (non-binding).


At 2023-11-15 16:51:15, "Junrui Lee" <jrlee....@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'd like to start a discussion of FLIP-391: Deprecate
>Currently, the FLINK RuntimeContext is important for connecting user
>functions to the underlying runtime details. It provides users with
>necessary runtime information during job execution.
>However, he current implementation of the FLINK RuntimeContext exposes the
>ExecutionConfig to users, resulting in two issues:
>Firstly, the ExecutionConfig contains much unrelated information that can
>confuse users and complicate management.
>Secondly, exposing the ExecutionConfig allows users to modify it during job
>execution, which can cause inconsistencies and problems, especially with
>operator chaining.
>Therefore, we propose deprecating the RuntimeContext#getExecutionConfig in
>the FLINK RuntimeContext. In the upcoming FLINK-2.0 version, we plan to
>completely remove the RuntimeContext#getExecutionConfig method. Instead, we
>will introduce alternative getter methods that enable users to access
>specific information without exposing unnecessary runtime details. These
>getter methods will include:
>1. @PublicEvolving <T> TypeSerializer<T>
>createSerializer(TypeInformation<T> typeInformation);
>2. @PublicEvolving Map<String, String> getGlobalJobParameters();
>3. @PublicEvolving boolean isObjectReuseEnabled();
>Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions, thanks.
>Best regards,

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