Hi Xuyang,

Thanks for the feedback! Please find my response below.

> 1. How will the colors of vertics with high data skew scores be unified with 
> existing backpressure and high busyness
colors on the UI? Users should be able to distinguish at a glance which vertics 
in the entire job graph is skewed.

The current proposal does not suggest to change the colours of the vertices 
based on data skew. In another exchange with Rui, we touch on why data skew 
might not necessarily be bad (for instance if data skew is the designed 
behaviour). The colours are currently dedicated to the Busy/Backpressure 
metrics. I would not be keen on introducing another colour or using the same 
colours for data skew as I am not sure if that'll help or confuse users. I am 
also keen to keep the scope of this FLIP as minimal as possible with as few 
contentious points as possible. We could also revisit this point in future 
FLIPs, if it does not become a blocker for this one. Please let me know your 

2. Can you tell me that you prefer to unify Data Skew Score and Exception tab? 
In my opinion, Data Skew Score is in
the same category as the existing Backpressured and Busy metrics.

The FLIP does not propose to unify the Data Skew tab and the Exception tab. The 
proposed Data Skew tab would sit next to the Exception tab (but I'm not too 
opinionated on where it sits). Backpressure and Busy metrics are somewhat 
special in that they have high visibility thanks to the vertices changing 
colours based on their value. I agree that Data Skew is in the same category in 
that it can be used as an indicator of the job's health. I'm not sure if the 
suggestion here then is to not introduce a tab for data skew? I'd appreciate 
some clarification here.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


On 16/01/2024, 06:05, "Xuyang" <xyzhong...@163.com 
<mailto:xyzhong...@163.com>> wrote:

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Hi, Emre.

In large-scale production jobs, the phenomenon of data skew often occurs. 
Having an metric on the UI that
reflects data skew without the need for manual inspection of each vertex by 
clicking on them would be quite cool.
This could help users quickly identify problematic nodes, simplifying 
development and operations.

I'm mainly curious about two minor points:
1. How will the colors of vertics with high data skew scores be unified with 
existing backpressure and high busyness
colors on the UI? Users should be able to distinguish at a glance which vertics 
in the entire job graph is skewed.
2. Can you tell me that you prefer to unify Data Skew Score and Exception tab? 
In my opinion, Data Skew Score is in
the same category as the existing Backpressured and Busy metrics.

Looking forward to your reply.



At 2024-01-16 00:59:57, "Kartoglu, Emre" <kar...@amazon.co.uk.inva 
<mailto:kar...@amazon.co.uk.inva>LID> wrote:
>I’m opening this thread to discuss a FLIP[1] to make data skew more visible on 
>Flink Dashboard.
>Data skew is currently not as visible as it should be. Users have to click 
>each operator and check how much data each sub-task is processing and compare 
>the sub-tasks against each other. This is especially cumbersome and 
>error-prone for jobs with big job graphs and high parallelism. I’m proposing 
>this FLIP to improve this.
>Kind regards,

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