Hi Swathi!

Thank you for creating this proposal. I really like the general idea of
increasing the K8s native observability of Flink job errors.

I took a quick look at your reference PR, the termination log related logic
is contained completely in the ClusterEntrypoint. What type of errors will
this actually cover?

To me this seems to cover only:
 - Job main class errors (ie startup errors)
 - JobManager failures

Would regular job errors (that cause only job failover but not JM errors)
be reported somehow with this plugin?


On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 8:21 AM Swathi C <swathi.c.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I would like to start a discussion on FLIP-XXX : [Plugin] Enhancing Flink
> Failure Management in Kubernetes with Dynamic Termination Log Integration.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tWR0Fi3w7VQeD_9VUORh8EEOva3q-V0XhymTkNaXHOc/edit?usp=sharing
> This FLIP proposes an improvement plugin and focuses mainly on Flink on
> K8S but can be used as a generic plugin and add further enhancements.
> Looking forward to everyone's feedback and suggestions. Thank you !!
> Best Regards,
> Swathi Chandrashekar

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