Dear devs,

Today is the third meeting for Flink 1.20 release cycle.
I'd like to share the information synced in the meeting.

- Feature Freeze

  As we discussed before, the feature freeze time is
  June 15, 2024, 00:00 CEST(UTC+2). It is worth noting that
  there are only 6 weeks left until the feature freeze time,
  and developers need to pay attention to the feature freeze time.

  Also, if there are no other changes, 1.20 will be the last version
  before 2.0. Relevant developers also need to check whether
  the Public or Public Evolving API related to Flink 2.0 deprecation
  has been completed.

- Features:
  So far we've had 8 flips/features, there are two FLIPs that
  may not be completed in 1.20, and the status of the other
  six FLIPs is good. It is encouraged to continuously updating
  the 1.20 wiki page[1] for contributors.

- Blockers:
  - [Closed] FLINK-34997 PyFlink YARN per-job on Docker test failed on azure
  - [Doing] FLINK-35041
IncrementalRemoteKeyedStateHandleTest.testSharedStateReRegistration failed
    - It fails frequently, Rui has pinged @feifan, he will check&fix it
this week with high priority
  - [Doing] FLINK-35040 The performance of serializerHeavyString regresses
since April 3
    - Rui needs to generate a flamegraph from the benchmark server.
  - [Doing] FLINK-35215 The performance of serializerKryo and
serializerKryoWithoutRegistration are regressed
    - Rui provided an alternative change without performance regression, we
need someone who familiar with kryo serialization to review

- Sync meeting[2]:
 The next meeting is 05/21/2024 10am (UTC+2) and 4pm (UTC+8), please feel
free to join us.

Lastly, we encourage attendees to fill out the topics to be discussed at
the bottom of 1.20 wiki page[1] a day in advance, to make it easier for
everyone to understand the background of the topics, thanks!



Weijie, Ufuk, Robert and Rui

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