Hi David,

Since flink stateful has been inactive for some time[1], I'm not sure whether 
you could get some help here. From my understanding, your request to a 
distribute system is event driven processing + actor model. Perhaps you could 
enrich Ray[2] with continuous message processing to achieve this goal, since 
Ray already has the ability of object store.

BTW, since LLM is really popular in the current data + AI era, maybe you could 
also share some insights here after the investigation.

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/7cr2bgt91ppk6pz8o0nfbd10gs63nz6t
[2] https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/

Yun Tang
From: Yunfeng Zhou <flink.zhouyunf...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 6, 2024 9:03
To: dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Flink stateful functions and Agentic Architecture

Hi David,

I'm not very familiar with stateful functions, but I participated in
Flink ML, a machine learning infrastructure and algorithm library
based on Flink. There we developed functions like iteration based
model-training process and hot updating ML model during online
prediction. You may check if these functions and their corresponding
designs could be of your interest.


On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 9:35 PM David Carroll <da...@spotter.la.invalid> wrote:
> I am a systems architect developing a POC concept for an AI product using
> Agentic Architecture with generative LLMs. It occurred to me that it could
> be possible to use Flink stateful functions to provide the event driven
> communications and execution environment for agents built with a framework
> like langchain or langgraph. Such a system could be multi-tenant and fully
> scalable.
> I wonder if anyone has explored using Flink stateful functions i this way
> of has suggestion of examples to look at for similar use cases?
> --
> David Carroll
> Chief of Research & Development
> <http://spotter.la/>
> da...@spotter.la  | 310.569.5103
> <https://time.com/collection/time100-companies-2023/6285153/spotter/>
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