Hey guys, I am trying contain my excitement, but I am failing :)
So today I implemented a basic prototype for connecting batch processing and streaming jobs as a good starting point for a 'lambda architecture api'. And most surprisingly it works :) It is very simple so far (currently only works for map operator and chaining is turned off) and some hacking along the way, but I hope you will like it. You can see the commit here: https://github.com/mbalassi/incubator-flink/commit/7bfc16a7803e1f2cc4b38c746af069aab4450637 And a sample job: https://github.com/mbalassi/incubator-flink/blob/7bfc16a7803e1f2cc4b38c746af069aab4450637/flink-addons/flink-streaming/flink-streaming-core/src/test/java/org/apache/flink/streaming/api/LambdaTest.java And for the others, it looks something like this: ExecutionEnvironment batchEnv = ExecutionEnvironment. *createLocalEnvironment*(1); StreamExecutionEnvironment streamEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment. *createLocalEnvironment*(1); DataSet<Long> dataSet = batchEnv.generateSequence(1, 10).map(*new* Increment()); DataStream<Long> dataStream = streamEnv.generateSequence(10, 20); *dataStream.lambdaJoin(dataSet).map(new Increment()).print();* dataSet.print(); * LambdaEnvironment lambdaEnv = new LambdaEnvironment(batchEnv, streamEnv);* * lambdaEnv.execute(":)");* I hope I could get you excited too :) Cheers, Gyula