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(Updated July 8, 2012, 7:36 p.m.)

Review request for Flume.


I have modified the theme to get rid of the previous and next tabs and to add a 
header to the site. The site should conform to the ASF branding requirements.

I can't actually test the build with the CMS system without checking it in.  
build_external.pl seems to expect the source to be in subversion. FYI - 
buld_external.pl is passed the location of where the site output should go.  
From what I can tell it will be passed a path to the staging site as the target.


This contains the source to build the initial version of the web site using the 
CMS, Maven and Sphinx.  To test the build just run mvn site and the output of 
the site will be in target/site. "mvn -P pdf package" is supposed to package 
the users and developers guides as pdf's to be deployed to the site as part of 
a release but that isn't quite working yet.

A few notes:
1. The site will be committed to 
2. The site is incomplete in that it is missing release information. This will 
be directly added once the site is published to the production svn location.

This addresses bug FLUME-813.


Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/5765/diff/



Ralph Goers

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