Hi folks, We have had over 100 commits since 1.3.1, and a bunch of new features and improvements including a Thrift source, much improved ElasticSearch sink, support for a new plugins directory and layout, compression support in the avro sink/source, improved checkpointing in the file channel and more, plus a lot of bug fixes.
It seems to me that it's time to start thinking about cutting a 1.4 release. I would be happy to volunteer to RM the release. Worth noting that I will be unavailable for the next two weeks... but after that I'd be happy to pick this up and run with it. That's also a decent amount of time for people to get moving on patches and reviews for their favorite features, bug fixes, etc. If this all sounds OK, I'd like to suggest targeting the last week of June as a release date. If we can release in time for Hadoop Summit then that would be pretty nice. Otherwise, if something comes up and we can't get the release out that week, let's shoot for the first week of July at the latest. Please let me know your thoughts. Regards, Mike