I like the gerrit flow a lot. I can’t speak for the flume community, but I 
would be in favor of that :)

You might consider sending similar email to Sqoop community where I would 
support gerrit as well.


> On Nov 6, 2015, at 10:27 AM, Zhe Zhang <z...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Flume contributors,
> The Hadoop community is considering adding Gerrit as a review / commit
> tool. Since this will require support from the Apache Infra team, it makes
> more sense if multiple projects can benefit from the effort.
> The main benefit of Gerrit over ReviewBoard is better integration with git
> and Jenkins. A Gerrit review request is created through a simple "git push"
> instead of manually creating and uploading a diff file. Conflicts detection
> and rebase can be done on the review UI as well. When the programmed commit
> criteria are met (e.g. a code review +1 and a Jenkins verification),
> committing can also be done with a single button click, or even
> automatically.
> The main benefit of Gerrit over Github pull requests is the rebase workflow
> (rather than git merge), which avoids merge commits. The rebase workflow
> also enables a clear interdiff view, rather than reviewing every patch rev
> from scratch.
> This also just augments instead of replacing the current review / commit
> flow. Every task will still start as a JIRA. Review comments can be made on
> both JIRA and Gerrit and will be bi-directionally mirrored. Patches can
> also be directly committed through git command line (Gerrit will recognize
> a direct commit and close the review request as long as a simple git hook
> is installed:
> https://gerrit.googlecode.com/svn/documentation/2.0/user-changeid.html).
> I wonder if the Flume community would be interested in moving on this
> direction as well. Any feedback is much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Zhe Zhang

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