I’m afraid I just don’t grasp the idea of using something SQL-like to configure 
It might be helpful to show a configuration using the current properties syntax 
vs how 
it would be done with flinksql.

I am also curious if this is something you have already gotten working. When I 
working on implementing support for JSON and YAML I found the only sensible 
I could really do was to convert those into a properties configuration since 
the existing 
configuration access is used in many places. 

Any alternate configuration format must ensure that existing configurations 
still work.


> On Dec 1, 2021, at 11:01 PM, leo65535 <leo65...@163.com> wrote:
> hi dev,
> I want to introduce a new configuration based on flinksql to flume.
> 1. more sources and sinks are required in product, like kafka, hbase, 
> greenplum.
> 2. workflows are isolated, each workflow is an independent yarn/k8s 
> application.
> 3. lightweight ETL data process, like filter null.
> 4. support dimension table lookup in serveral cases.
> 5. support customized udfs.
> especially the point 1 and point 2 are important for us.
> To implement the new configuration, we need to use flink table api, it will 
> help us handle
> the table schema, field datatype, and more high sql semantics, also it 
> supports the 
> integration of multiple data sources/sinks catalog.
> Here is the flinksql configuration demo, 
> ```
> CREATE TABLE kafka_source (
>  customerId int,
>  oStatus int,
>  nStatus int
> ) with (
>  'connector.type' = 'kafka',
>  ...
>  'connector.startup-mode' = 'earliest-offset',
>  'format.type' = 'json'
> );
> CREATE TABLE fs_source (
>  customerId int,
>  oStatus int,
>  nStatus int
> ) with (
>  'connector.type' = 'filesystem',
>  ...
>  'path' = 'hdfs:///data/2021/06/01/xx.txt',
>  'format.type' = 'json'
> );
> INSERT INTO fs_source
> SELECT * FROM kafka_source
> WHERE oStatus != 0;
> ```
> I am not sure if anyone are interesting, looking forward to your ideas, 
> thanks.
> Best,
> Leo65535

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