Hello everyone!

I have a situation here.
I don't know what I did but I believe it was something like this:

 - create application called "app1"
 - init the application
 - start the application
 - stop the application
 - stop docker and/or remove zookeeper docker (I don't know exactly what
happen here)
 - start docker again
 - list fluo applications
 - any other fluo command related to "app1" return:

Connecting to Fluo instance ( using config
ERROR - A YARN application is not referenced in Zookeeper for this  Fluo
application.  Check if there is a Fluo application running in YARN using
the command 'yarn application -list`. If so, verify that your
fluo.properties is configured correctly.

Question: How to remove all references about "app1" to start over?

Alan Camillo
*BlueShift *I IT Director
Cel.: +55 11 98283-6358 <+55%2011%2098283-6358>
Tel.: +55 11 4605-5082 <+55%2011%204605-5082>

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