At Keith's behest, I took a look at 2.0.0.rc1 - I didn't want to pollute
the [VOTE] thread with this, but had an observation and a question about
testing the rc. Take all this with the grain of salt that It's been awhile
since I've tested a fluo RC, so I chalk this up to inexperience more than

First, building fluo with maven 3.9.0 and java11:

git clone -b 2.0.0-rc1 && cd fluo && mvn
clean install
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
net.revelc.code:impsort-maven-plugin:1.0.1:sort (sort-imports) on project
fluo-api: Execution sort-imports of goal
net.revelc.code:impsort-maven-plugin:1.0.1:sort failed: A required class
was missing while executing

Reverting to maven 3.8.8 addressed this issue. Not a blocker, but it would
be nice to enforce the maven and java version if possible.

Once I adjusted the maven version, things built, unit tests and integration
tests ran correctly.

I spent some time reviewing and working through - but had
mixed results. Would we expect fluo-recipies, uno and fluo-examples to work
with 2.0.0 at this point, or do they still need to be updated?


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