Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Do you consider the structure of Forrest 0.6 repositories as stable?


I've seen that forrestbot on brutus, that uses Forrest 0.7, builds my Forrest 0.6 project perfectly.

That's nice to hear :-)

Can I trust that Forrest 1.0 will build my 0.6 projects *without* having to modify configuration files too or do already know of incompatible future changes that have to happen?

The configuration files will change, but there should/will be a conversion system, so it should not be a problem.

IMHO they will change in 0.8, with the introduction of the locationmap.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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