Gregor J. Rothfuss wrote:

the lenya site contains a changes.html created out of the SVN changelog [1]

forrest takes over 5 minutes to create that page, which makes it a pita to wait for when running forrest site.

Well, if you want to publish it, it has to be generated, no? ;-) For editing, use 'forrest run' and point to localhost:8888.

from what i can tell, forrest spends a lot of time pondering the thousands of external links on that page (to SVN diffs)

Are the svn diffs local? It should not go and look for public links, if it does it's wrong.

Have you tried using a newer xalan and xerces version?

Does the file take so long also doing a traqnsform ouside of Forrest?

is it possible to instruct forrest to not rebuild that page? if not, maybe it should be developed.

David already replied to this :-)




-- Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] - verba volant, scripta manent - (discussions get forgotten, just code remains) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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