David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Dave Brondsema wrote:

Because 0.6 docs are not split, things are pretty confusing.  I
speculate it might be worth it to get a 0.7 release out the door
primarily so our online docs make sense.  0.7-dev has been pretty stable
for a while and it has plugins working pretty good.  release early,
release often they say.  We'd just bump all new features to the next

Yes. I was going to propose the same thing. It would be okay to 0.8 0.9 0.10 0.11 until we are ready for the 1.0 release.

We should prioritise the Jira Issues to aim for 0.7 ASAP.

I'm fine with that, although I can't spend the time assisting right now (but should be able to in a couple of weeks).

It takes quite a while to get ready for a release. It would be good
to wait until Ross can help a bit because plugins is the major change
for this release. I will also be busy for the next two weeks.

Is there something specific you have in mind, or do you just want me on hand if problems arise?

(Getting the documentation published, even if only in a manual way would be important for example).

Should we aim for a release date of Friday 2005-03-25?

SInce it's Nicola's birthday I think that is a must - two excuses for a beer in the evening.


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