On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 12:01 -0400, Dave Brondsema wrote:
> Quoting David Crossley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Ross Gardler wrote:
> > > David Crossley wrote:
> > > >>Ross Gardler wrote:
> > > Note that in this case, if 0.4 of the plugin works in 0.7 of Forrest we 
> > > should also have the 0.4 plugin docs in the 0.7 branch. This starts to 
> > > get horribly complicated.
> > 
> > Erk, the same horrid thought ocurred to me.
> > 
> > I hope that we can get away with just having one set
> > of docs for each major version. Let us start with that
> > and change it later if we need to. As i say that,
> > it sounds very unsatisfactory ... i don't know what to do.
> > 
> Yes, lets try to keep it simple for now: release the plugins with each major
> version.
> When that becomes insufficient (e.g. if a plugin takes off and makes its own
> major changes & releases within one forrest release), we can tackle it again. 
>  I
> think in that case, the plugin should be documented seperately from the main
> forrest docs and it can say what versions of forrest it is compatible with.


Just a thought but doing a 'ant deploy' is a release for a plugin, isn't


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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