I will have to go right now, but a quick response on that.

On Sat, 2005-04-16 at 13:05 -0700, Diwaker Gupta wrote:
> I was looking at nav-main.ft, and found that the background images in
> the CSS were using URLs of the form '/skin/images/xxxx.gif' -- this
> assumes that the deployed forrest site is deployed a domain whose top
> level contains a skin directory. That is, this will NOT work if my
> website is deployed at say http://foo.com/bar/home because /skin will
> (wrongly) try to resolve to http://foo.com/skin

Yeah, you are right. Actually it was a workaround that I still need to

> A simple solution is to use relative URLs. URLs in CSS are resolved
> relative to the location of the CSS file, not the HTML file. And since
> all the images reside in skin/images after deployment, simply changing
> /skin/images/xxx.gif to images/xxx.gif solves the problem.

Hmm, that is not that easy. It need a {$root}images/xxx.gif because
images/xxx.gif will only work for top level dirs and not subdirs.

> I would also like to suggest that we convert all GIFs to PNGs -- GIFs
> has patent problems, and PNG is a better format anyways.

Knock yourself out. ;-) I just took the scale-dev package. I will apply
all enhancement bugs on css, but this time I will not develop the css
because I am not a web designer and it takes me hours to do. ;-)

Thanks again for your suggestions.


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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