Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 14:41 -0400, Gregor J. Rothfuss wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

from what i understand, forrest has a superior concept of 'resource types' (plugins in forrest lingo), pluggable sitemap components to handle rendering of new sorts of content.

In forrest we support three kind of plugins:
-internal -output

lenya has a superior concept for bundling functionality (java, etc) with the usecase framework.

Actually I would like to have both concepts (bundling functionality and resource types) together. Lets each project concentrate on what is best on and have an interface connect
them both. It should be working in forrest and lenya via plugins (lenya2forrest) and usecases (forrest2lenya).

Forrest Plugins can bundle extra functionality into Forrest (Java etc.) Basically, anything that can be done in Cocoon can be done in Forrest since Forrest is a Cocoon application (of course this is also true of Lenya).

I have (almost) automated the conversion of Cocoon Blocks into Forrest plugins. I'm just stuck on how to embed extensions to the web.xml file. This is a problem that Cocoon will have to address as they work towards "real blocks", so I'm waiting for them rather than doing it alone.

Actually I see lenya as a business service. I am still thinking about the interface for the businessHelper plugin to connect to different business services. Maybe this
lists are best to discuss this.

Thoughts welcome. ;-)

As I mentioned in a previous mail I opted for this route. The CMS becomes a plugin to Forrest. At present I have the CMS running independently, but it could, theoretically be included in the plugin, assuming Jetty supports dynamic deployment of webapp.

Doing it this way means that you can swap out the CMS or use multiple instances of it.


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