Ross Gardler wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >Ross Gardler wrote:
[ snip ]
> >>I just verified I was at the latest release of Forrest, and did a clean 
> >>build (somehow I always forget to do that). But no change.

I double-checked again :-) that i have no un-committed files.

Perhaps you should try a complete fresh checkout.
However before you do that ...

Recently i upgraded the entity resolver jar to a new
pre-release. Today i reverted that, so lets see if that
helps you.

> >So does the entity resolver also fail for you with all
> >the normal processing, e.g. in forrest/site-author
> >doing 'forrest site'?
> site-author does not have any files that contain a DTD reference used by 
> a plugin, so it works with SVN head.
> However, if I add:
> <!DOCTYPE status PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Status V1.3//EN" "status-v13.dtd">
> to status.xml in site-author it fails.
> If I use:
> <!DOCTYPE status PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Status V1.3//EN" 
> "";>
> (note full URL of DTD) then it works (presumambly the resolver goes to 
> the website, I've not checked this traffic.

Yep, those two tests prove that it is failing for you.

And if this is failing then it means that *all* DTDs
are being retrieved from the website. Wow, using Forrest
must be very slow for you.

I made the change that you suggested above and i have no
problems. Doing 'sudo ngrep dtd' also proves that there
is no network traffic.

When you do the command-line 'forrest' are there any
strange messages at the "validate-xdocs" target?

> >Please switch the verbosity level to 10 in
> >WEB-INF/xconf/forrest-core.xconf and send me
> >the output.
> The relevant parts are:
> At Startup:
> Parse catalog: 
> file:/D:/openSource/forrest/main/webapp/resources/schema/catalog.
> xcat
> Loading catalog: 
> file:/D:/openSource/forrest/main/webapp/resources/schema/catalo
> g.xcat
> Default BASE: 
> file://D:/D:/openSource/forrest/main/webapp/resources/schema/catal
> og.xcat
> Parse  text/plain catalog on input stream
> No CatalogReader for MIME type:  text/plain

Hmmm, i have never seen those two lines.
That sounds like the primary forrest catalog is not
being loaded.

These are the messages that i get at startup:
Parse catalog: file:/svn/asf/forrest/main/webapp/./resources/schema/catalog.xcat
Loading catalog: 
Default BASE: file:/svn/asf/forrest/main/webapp/./resources/schema/catalog.xcat
override: yes
nextCatalog: catalog.forrest.xcat
CATALOG: file:/svn/asf/forrest/main/webapp/resources/schema/catalog.forrest.xcat
nextCatalog: w3c-dtd/catalog.xcat
CATALOG: file:/svn/asf/forrest/main/webapp/resources/schema/w3c-dtd/catalog.xcat
nextCatalog: docbook/catalog.xcat
CATALOG: file:/svn/asf/forrest/main/webapp/resources/schema/docbook/catalog.xcat
nextCatalog: sdocbook/catalog.xcat
nextCatalog: open-office/catalog.xcat

I snipped the rest of Ross' output. The messages prove
that it is failing because there are no messages like
 Resolved public: ...
which would show the entity resolver doing its job.


> >Does this problem occur for anyone else?
> Anyone?
> To attempt to reproduce add the following doctype definitions to 
> site-author/status.xml
> <!DOCTYPE status PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Status V1.3//EN" "status-v13.dtd">
> Ross

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