
I published my site yesterday.
I use my own skin - which inherits from the pelt skin - to add some features :

   * The notes are taken from the deprecated Krisalys skin because I
   * The source tag appear in XHTML in a Gnome terminal look&feel
         o I added two attributes to the tag to be able to :
               + Give the terminal a title,
               + Display different Prompts - One for DOS code samples,
                 one for UNIX common user and one for Root Unix user.
         o If no title is given, the tag is generated as in the pelt
           skin - preformated code with grey background...
   * I generate - in the header of each page - the following links :

       <link rel="next" href="..." />
       <link rel="previous" href="..." />
       <link rel="last" href="..." />
       <link rel="first" href="..." />

         o in order to easily navigate for those who use a browser
           which manages a navigation bar (cf.
         o (I did not send a patch for this issue because I want to add
           rel="content" which may point on linkmap ?)
   * At last, I add a context attribute to Release/actions/action in
     order to emphasize the context of the new features.
         o My idea is to homogeneise the actions managed by the changes
           and the todo list because I think it's the same, but the
           ones in the past and the seconds in the future...

You can see samples of all this at http://cyriaque.dupoirieux.free.fr/changes.html#version_6.1.0
(It's in french, I am sorry...)



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