David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

The plugin infrastructure seems to be pretty good.
I haven't yet tried publishing the various plugin docs
yet. Ross has done it a few times. The plugins directory
in forrest/site SVN needs cleanup, and there are some
old files on the server. The renaming seems to be all done.

I *think* this works now, but I have not been able to do enough testing as I get strange errors about inconsistent line endings and have not had time to get the the bottom of the problem yet.

Is this the issue that you reported ages ago?
I did make some comments, but cannot remember what.

Yeah, I did look up those comments. You suspected that it was to do with the zipping of files, but it's not that since the docs are published from the src directory not the install directory.

There is some more diagnostics of my own in there, but I've not looked further into it since that thread:

The key mail in the thread is http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=forrest-dev&m=110472648115038&w=2


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