I've just completed the first draft of a MSOffice plugin that uses the OpenOffice.org plugin and a running instance of OOo to convert MSOffice files on the fly.

Before I commit it to our Whiteboard I need to know if the OOo license is compatible with the ASL because it requires the bundling of a few JAR files from OOo.

Here's what I see:

Dual licensed under the LGPL (not compatible) and the Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL), so we are considering the SISSL.

From http://www.openoffice.org/FAQs/faq-licensing.html#1

"This licensing structure provides the necessary flexibility for combination of OpenOffice.org technologies with projects using other licenses (e.g. MPL, Apache, Artistic, etc.)."

Would seem to imply that things are OK, but I'm no lawyer so reading the license just confuses me. For the legal stuff see:



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