David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Dave Brondsema wrote:

I'd say we should find out why the HTML is generated with inconsistent
line endings in the first place.


I did a little testing, here's what I have discovered so far:

- any file that is processed by XSLT has the line endings problem
- on investigating one such file (index.html) I discovered that the generated comments from site2xhtml.xsl (such as breadtrail comment) have CRLF endings whilst most other lines have LF endings.

I'm running on Windows, and get the same results whether I run under CYGWIN or DOS.

To reproduce cd into any plugin directory, do "ant docs" and check out the generated docs in build/site.

Does the same behaviour happen if you use Forrest's packaged Ant?
i.e. $FORREST_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant docs
Also 'unset ANT_HOME' to make it uses Forrest's lib/*.jar


I presume that this does not happen when you do 'forrest' to
build the plugin's docs, rather than doing 'ant docs'.

I had also assumed that, however it turns our to be incorrect.

In fact doing "forrest site" on any site, including site-author, results in the same error.

I can only assume that it has not raised it's head before because I have not been the first person to commit generated sites to SVN with the eol settings set to "native".

Given the above observation that the XSL generated comments ahve different line endings to other XSL generated files I can only assume it is something to do with the XSLT parser.

For now I have put a workaround in place in the buildfile (uses an ant task to fix the line endings). I'll also place an issue on the issue tracker to remind us of this.


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