Ross Gardler wrote:
> Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
>> Ross Gardler wrote:
>>> Yes - and perhaps you didn't know that because the docs need updating
>>> (that's the issue I linked to earlier, hint hint - only if you have time
>>> of course, please don't feel badgered by my point this out repeatedly)
>> will do that when this whole issue is cleared up and descided and I
>> know what is now and what will be.
> For the 0.7 release it has been decided because it is too much work to
> change it before the 0.7. The wider update is scheduled for 0.8.
> Images stay put for now.

> xdocs remains as is for now.
If this needs to be done. The sooner, the better.

> raw content (other than images) goes alongside xdocs
> All that needs doing is the docs get updated for the 0.7 release.
> Ross

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