David Crossley wrote:
> How do we know that users are not taking advantage of those
> jars for other purposes?
Well, we do not know that, I guess that testing. We only can claim
support for funcionality that is documented. And xsp is not documented
as feature in our documentation, so I think that it should not been there.

We had a discussion about including libraries, and I was the one that
support adding them on forrest, so people could use them out of the box.
 But now I see that from the other point of view.  For the standard
distribution, you need only those libraries that are neede, if you want
to custom forrest for other purposed, then "cp
$COCOON_HOME/lib/optional/castor*.jar $FORREST_HOME/lib/core" is not a
bit problem ¿right?

> I notice that you moved Chaperon jar too. It too can
> be used for far more than the wiki capabilities.

I know, but within forrest we are only using for wiki, if someone want
it for more, it can be copy that library back.

Sorry for the noise, I am trying to tidy up where our libraries come
from, so upgrade from cocoon is easier..


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