Lars Eilebrecht wrote:
> Sure, it would be great if we could find a sponsor to give every
> committer or even every Apache user free admission to the conference, but
> without such a big sponsor that's not possible.  ApacheCon is a
> commercial tech conference and therefore there is a few for attending
> the conference ... like with any other tech conference.  Do you get
> in for free at O'Reilly or JavaOne conferences? No, you don't.
> ApacheCon is not just a social get-to-gether of committers or members, 
> but a conference that provides intense lectures, tutorials, and
> presentations to Apache users. It's there for people to learn something
> about Apache and related technologies.

I guess their motivations are as well to see some of the people that
produce that software, and that is not only the speakers that produce it.

> ApacheCon is organized by the ASF in coorporation with a
> commercial conference producer.

It is up to them to decide about the pricing. I found it very unfair not
even give a discount if you are a commiter, you should rethink that
policy. For us it would be something that we get in return for all the
hours that we spent making that to happend.

So can we get a "Company Team discount" if three of us request as part
of ASF?

Or can get paid for two days and get the third for free?

please, just make it easier for us to be a happy persons and develop
better software for YOU.


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