David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Juan Jose Pablos wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

There are now only 5 issues open on the 0.7 release.

3 of them are documentation issues, so anyone can pitch in here.

2 of them are Cocoon issues and will either be fixed with a cocoon
upgrade, or we will not be able to fix them for 0.7

Is it time we planned for a release date? (again)

The "Lazy mode: true" output looks very awfull

Yes, that will go with a cocoon upgrade that needs to be done for two of
the outstanding issues anyway.

Which issues are you talking about Ross? Are they critical?

"Lazy Mode: True" messages are just an output issue, I'm good with that.

"character entities (e.g. ampersand) are expanded again for href or src attributes" (http://issues.cocoondev.org/browse/FOR-241 ) is marked as major, comments indicate it is fixed in Cocoon trunk.

This issue only affects users running in dynamic mode since the encoding of request parameters when creating a static site breaks the links anyway (there can be no '?' in a filename, so no static link can be made)

The other issue seems to have been closed (or moved).

I reckon that we should not wait for a Cocoon upgrade.

Since I don't have Linux right now and Juan (I think it was Juan who took the time to try the upgrade, apologies if I'm not giving the credit to the right person) has encountered problems with the upgrade I am +1 on going ahead without the upgrade. Lets just say if we don't get a -1 in the next three days we will go ahead and move those issues to 0.8. If someone wants to -1 this proposal then *they* will have to do the upgrade - fair enough?

I will attend to FOR-500 verifying the licenses for supporting
products and generally ensure that our own work is properly
licensed, but i don't want to do that until just before release
in case more stuff gets added.

I'll finish FOR-470 (update seed site)

I'll also finsih FOR-454, major changes are now marked up in status.xml, we need a stylesheet for projectInfo to allow them to be included in relevant docs with xi:include (unless someone gets there first of course).

That leaves:

FOR-391          website docs/site split

Which I believe is complete but for thorough testing, the creation of the 0.8 set of docs and the move to 0.7 as the default (the move should be done as part of the release process)

This is currently assigned to David, but I believe this is a job for many eyes now. We need people to look for problems. Shall we post a request to the user list to check these docs?


FOR-465          Logging Error: Writing event to closed stream.

I have no idea what is causing this so someone needs to do some initial evaluation.

I'd be OK with this still being in the release as it does not affect the usability of Forrest. So again, I propose we release without this fixed unless someone votes -1 *and* fixes it for us.


Of course, my proposal to require a "-1 and a fix" could be seen as railroading the release, it is a step ahead of lazy consensus, so I won't argue the point if devs feel this is not an appropriate. I just want to get this release out.


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