David Crossley wrote:
View the issue:

Here is an overview of the issue:
       Key: FOR-505
   Summary: Allow the retrieval of raw html files
      Type: Improvement

    Status: Unassigned
  Priority: Minor

   Project: Forrest

Assignee: Reporter: Ross Gardler

   Created: Tue, 24 May 2005 3:53 PM
   Updated: Tue, 24 May 2005 3:53 PM

With the merging of the raw content directory and the xdocs directory it is no 
longer possible to retrieve the raw, unprocessed version of an HTML file.

The raw HTML files were removed from the fresh-site in revision 178279. When we 
have added support for raw HTML files back into the system we should revive 
these files as a demo.

Argh, i was afraid that the change to the way content was processed
was going to cause a problem. That is an important change which is
going to bust some projects.

The issue was raised (by Nicola I believe) before the change was made, but there was no -1 just verbal objections, then the change got made.

If you believe it will break some sites (and it sure could) we could implement a "hack" solution for 0.7 and then resolve it properly in 0.8 with per page configs.

People using 0.7-dev will already have been stung by this and so we need not worry about them.

People using 0.6 will have been using the "ihtml" extension for embedded content. This is now deprecated but still works so their embedded content is not the problem. It is raw html that they are serving that is the issue.

We could add a new skinconf property to define the behaviour for *.html files in xdocs we can tell people affected by this issue to make their embedded content ihtml and their raw content html. i.e.

<!-- HTML files in the XDoc directory can wither be passed unprocessed to the client, or they can be skinned like any other content. If you set
this setting to false, you can include skinned files by giving them the
ihtml extension. -->


The result is, setting skinHTML to false will give the same behaviour as 0.6 We could make this the default in order to minimise the upgrade behaviour.

Slightly offtopic: this actually "feels" like a pretty good solution since we will be able to write skins that do things like put a banner on the top of a "non-skinned" page:



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