I'd be happy to stick with this as Tuesday will be the night before
Ross and I have our Forrest presentation and I'd like to have some
time for last minute preparations.

And since nobody else voiced any objections until now, I guess we can
call this a final schedule and make it public, can we?

Ferdinand Soethe

David Crossley wrote:

> Here is the current schedule:

> ------------------------------------
> Tuesday 19 July

> Event: Apache Committers Hackathon
> Time: all day
> Location: ApacheCon

> Event: Meeting of usability professionals (Johannes)
> Time: 19:00 until 20:30
> Location: HfT

> ------------------------------------
> Wednesday 20 July

> Event: ApacheCon Session WE16 (Ross and Ferdinand)
> Time: 14:30 until 15:30
> Location: ApacheCon

> Event: Apache Forrest get together
> Time: 20:00 until whenever
> Location: HfT

> ------------------------------------
> Thursday 21 July

> Event: Apache Forrest project workshop
> Time: 20:00 until whenever
> Location: HfT

> ------------------------------------

Ferdinand Soethe

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