Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:


In my opinion what should happen is that the relevant chapter outline
should be ripped out of the proposal and put into SVN as XHTML documents that we can point to via an URL to SVN. With our recent influx of offers for help on beginner documentation this would provide a starting framework for work to begin.

Fine by me.

My second proposal was to take that finished outline and create
menuitems on the Forrest Website for it (under a new "Manual" tab).


- finished pages or - pages that have just the abstract of that
  chapter (written during outline-design) and explain that this chapter
  still needs someone to write it and instructions on how to do that.

This is a good idea, but I recommend we wait on this second proposal until we have the 0.8 docs in place. This will happen immediately after the 0.7 release. I propose this because there will be very little content, and therefore very little value for the 0.7 release.

The goal is to give potential contributors some guidance on what is
missing what that chapter is all about and how their contribution
would fit into the finished manual.

We can do that in the meantime by pointing them to the viewSVN page (that's why I propose using XHTML since they will see a rendered page there).


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