There's obviously a good chance I'm doing something wrong but when I
build a seeded site based on the branch, i get:

"* [129/4]   [1/28]    0.27s  7.8Kb   /samples/usemap.html
* [130/3]   [0/0]     0.151s 4.1Kb   /samples/usemap.pdf
X [0]                                    
samples/locationmap/index.html  BROKEN: No pipeline matched request:
* [133/0]   [0/0]     0.34s  243b   
Logging Error: Writing event to closed stream.
Total time: 1 minutes 22 seconds,  Site size: 874,398 Site pages: 98"

In the branched code i don't see the "locationmap" directory either. 
Can you point me in the right direction as I'd like to try to this
stuff out.

Thanks for all you help, hopefully as I learn more I'll be a little
more self-sufficient...

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