On 6/4/05, Ross Gardler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Williams wrote:
> > The second link in the locationmap wouldn't work because for some
> > reason it's trying to use the "file src" defined in forrest-core.xconf
> > and append it to the project-content-dir.  This is strange because it
> > apparently finds locationmap.xml with no problem for simple link
> > re-writing (the first sample).  I don't really know where to start but
> > for now I made the kludge even worse by hardcoding the absolute path
> > to locationmap.xml.  This gives me something to play with for now
> > anyway.
> Yes, I noticed that problem (which is why there is a warning on that
> section of the page saying it doesn't work yet). I'm glad you found a
> temporary solution. The longer term solution (I think) is to pass the
> path to the locationmap to the input-module from the sitemap rather than
> within xconf. I'll look into this next week.

Good, I got lost trying to use references to sitemap.xmap as an
example last night -- ended up having to revert everything.

> > Anyway, so I can successfully take the /locationmap/demo.xml and
> > return a real demo.xml from (my
> > slide repo).  Everythings pretty much hard coded for now mind you.
> Fantastic. That was to be my next test (with Daisy rather than Slide,
> but same principle), glad to hear it works, at least to an extent
> > Now the problems:  1) it strips the contents from demo.xml and is
> > essentially just a shell xml file.
> Well that isn't very helpful, I suppose we better fix that ;-)
> I have no idea how this can be happening. Are you able to confirm that
> the file is being read from slide correctly?

Well, it appears that the hello2document.xsl in the local sitemap.xmap
is the culprit.  Probably should have figured something so simple.  I
commented the transform line out and it's at least giving me my
document back.  And yes, now I'm able to confirm that it is coming
from Slide (and after the other change the fresh-site in SVN).  See
below for my next problem...

> > 2) it doesn't apply any skinning
> > to it -- it just returns the xml.
> Is your request to Forrest for demo.html or demo.xml?

I've got maps set up for both since I don't really understand *how*
this is really working yet, I'm doing some serious trial and error and
covering all bases.  So for each, here's what i get:

demo.html - what i've learned (thanks) is now the equivalent of
body-demo.html, seems it stops processing there and never applies the
skin.  I'm getting no errors and the core log is of no help.

demo.xml - the unprocessed, straight xml from SVN's freshsite.

> Could you modify your code to retrieve that page rather than a slide one
> and put a patch against http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR-200

I'm not sure what you mean, I've taken what you had and (minus that
one config thing) it just worked.  Obviously, I've manipulated the
location a bit but nothing else really.  I haven't really *done*
anything yet:)


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