Addi wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Addison Berry (JIRA) wrote:

     [ ]

Addison Berry updated FOR-518:

    Attachment: toolbox-font.txt

Last night I fixed this by editing the pelt/css/profile.css.xslt file by moving #menu .menupagetitle {color: <xsl:value-of select="@font"/>;} up to toolbox, rather than where it was in dialog (since dialog doesn't seem to be used in pelt?) and also adding the font attribute to the toolbox color element in fresh-site/skinconf.xml. Worked just the way I wanted. See the attached diffs.

When I did a build clean, build on a new svn today, I am now getting an error when I try to forrest site: X [0] linkmap.html BROKEN: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

I'm not sure what the problem is now...

Have a look in webapp/WEB-INF/logs/error.log you should get a more detailed error.

Do I have to turn logging on?  I don't have a logs dir in WEB-INF.

No there is no need to turn it on. The logs are located in PROJECT_HOME/build/webapp/WEB-INF/logs

A file somewhere is not well formed, most likely pelt/css/profile.css.xslt since that is the one you say you edited.

I saw the well-formed bit and looked at the files I changed to make sure I didn't have any typos and such. It was weird because it apparently was well-formed prior to the svn build clean. I then changed the two files back to the original and still got the error. Now I have blown that svn away and gotten a whole new, fresh svn. I made the same changes to the same files as I had before and it is working perfectly like it did the first time. It's gone through a build clean and is still working so maybe I did something weird elsewhere before. Who knows...

As long as it works for you now.


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